by Ron Wise
Returning home from Brenda, Arizona, I have been working on the yard a lot, trimming bushes and pulling weeds. My gardener must have fertilized the weeds. After the show, I started transplanting succulents and cactuses for our next show, if we have one.
While being stuck at home, I have been finishing up old projects that I had given up on and were gathering up dust. These items will be used in the next silent auction.
Also on the time-killing schedule, I have been polishing small rocks for Ways and Means or the Kids’ Booth. I think of them as 15-minute projects.
It’s hard to believe, but I have a few good slabs that need to be converted into cabs. Lately, I have been interested in sagenite and flame agates. I was trying to make up a case of double-sided cabs for the 2021 Fair.
I try to keep up my knapping skills by making a few arrowheads and knives. Bicycling takes a lot of time and takes me tired enough not to think about other small jobs I need to finish.